Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Moody Blues and Lavender Dreams- Introduction

Everybody has a set of dreams. .
About their life. .
Career. .
Lover. .
Love. .
Friends. .

Etc. .

But life doesn't provide you with want you wish and desire for. .
Ya but it does provide with what you truly deserve. .

Poorvi, A girl of 23. .Finished with her MBA, she is happy in her life. .
Fully content. . Out of her old problems and issues she faced. .
and is ready to take up a new road to her new life. .
Dreamer by nature. .She loves to fantasize alot :P
but life can't be always the same and even how you wished for right?
It has its own way of treating you with miracles. .shocks and suprises. .

So here I'm to tell the story. .In Poorvi's way =)

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